Super Robot Wars Z2: Saisei Hen - Shurouga All Attacks (English Subs)

Описание к видео Super Robot Wars Z2: Saisei Hen - Shurouga All Attacks (English Subs)

Finally the last video of Z2, for now attack videos at least. I will stop because it's been a long time since I'm uploading videos of Z2, 86 fucking videos!. But like I promised I will be translating the request videos of you guys from now on, again. Next SRW games will be Alpha 3 and R. I hope you guys have enjoyed my videos until now. I really wanna see what will happen with Asakim in Z3.2, if his mysteries will be revealed or his past, or even if he really is an "altered" Masaki. I can see that a lot of fans love Asakim, idk if it's because those people like of Masaki or if it's because of his personality, I honestly like him because of his mysteries and role as a major character in the whole Z series.


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