
Описание к видео #IndoBuleTrials

Indonesians love their spice! So we asked foreigners to try some of Indonesia's spiciest stuff! Including the infamous Mie Abang Adek - PEDES MAMPUS, which is made with 100 chilies! Think you can handle it? Well, watch and see if you can stomach it!

Nina - @ninakozok
Langston - @langstonhues
Guillem - @Guillemselo
Erica - @ericotasaraval
Filipo - @khundrini
Tanya - @tanyanoble08

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MORE VIDEOS ON INSTAGRAM: @FixProductions | www.fixproductions.co
Fix Productions is an Indonesian-based production house that makes funny ass videos, just because they can.

Say hello to us at [email protected]!

INSTAGRAM: @FixProductions
FACEBOOK: www.fb.com/fixproductionsID
WEBSITE: www.fixproductions.co


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