Final Fantasy 4-Boss #16 Golbez

Описание к видео Final Fantasy 4-Boss #16 Golbez

Game: Final Fantasy 4
Developer: Square
Genre: Role-playing game
System: SNES

Boss #16 Golbez

This version is the Japanese Super Nintendo version of Final Fantasy 4 and is translated into English so most names and dialogue could be different from the official version.

In the beginning of the battle do nothing at all but defend. No matter what he will paralyze everyone. Then he summons his dragon and kills everyone except Cecil and then Rydia saves you. This is the hard part. If Rydia dies, you are screwed unless you revive her. I recommend not trying to revive anyone else and just using Cecil and Rydia. Just cast random summons from Rydia (best would be Ifrit). The battle should be over shortly.


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