.funktionslust : C

Описание к видео .funktionslust : C

Patrik Kako I .funktionslust: C, for 4 ensembles (2021)

Karl Bühler explains that the desire for a function is a specific relationship of pleasure to function. the desire to function as a motivation for action .. the joy of function - a kind of self-pleasure - the intention to do something without pursuing a specific purpose

The piece is the fifth in the sequence, which elaborates this theme from the source material of the first piece .funktionslust - for kantele and electronics. The electronics is the result of the processing of the recording of the track for the kantele, and the track for the kantele is the result of the analysis of the voice of the Finnish player of this instrument, Juulie Pölönen, who recorded my pseudo-poem. The recording of her speech is also a fluid moment in the electronic track.
The compositions .funktionslust : horte, .funktionslust : R, .funktionslust : L and also the forthcoming composition .funktionslust : S(ub), which is to be performed as part of the Prague Spring Workshop with Klangforum Wien, are also made from this process.

.funktionslust : C (c = central = analysis of both electronics tracks). The piece is divided into four parts. Each episode lasts about 220 seconds. The first movement A and the last movement D work equally with all groups of the orchestra. In these movements, the material moves through frontal and panoramic acoustic space; the middle two movements, on the other hand, focus primarily on the dominance of the instrumental ensemble's right and left groups. Each of these movements draws on material from a different time area from the original recording and also differentiates itself into harmonic and rhythmic levels. This differentiation into four parts also goes through the rasterization setting of the analysis, resulting in a gradual - descending harmonic release of tension.

Filharmonie Hradec Králové, Jan Bubak cond.


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