University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Funding and Collaboration

Описание к видео University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Funding and Collaboration

Interested in the interplay of investment resources and inter-disciplinary synergies in university entrepreneurial ecosystems? Then we invite you to watch this EmpreSomos Central America webcast focusing on: “University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Funding, Collaboration, and Acceleration for Regional Innovation.”

Featuring Will Charles, Director of Investment at UniServices (University of Auckland, NZ), and an inspiring panel of university leaders:

Dr. Arturo Condo (President, EARTH University, Costa Rica)
Prof. Alejandra Alquijay (Dean of Partnerships, Universidad del Valle, Guatemala)
Dr. Marco Tulio Canales (Dean of Engineering Studies, UNITEC, Honduras)
Dr. Antje Fiedler (Deputy Director, New Zealand Asia Institute, University of Auckland, NZ)

00:00 - 2:30 Introduction
2:30 - 12:55 Participant Introductions
12:55 - 40:25 Presentation by Mr. Will Charles
40:25 - 57:33 Questions and comments from the panel of experts
57:33 Closing


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