Author Christine Fair lambasts Pakistan scholar’s claim on Kashmir

Описание к видео Author Christine Fair lambasts Pakistan scholar’s claim on Kashmir

Washington D.C, Mar 29 (ANI): Pakistan, which forcefully occupies a major portion of Kashmir has long been flagging the Kashmir issue on international platforms, including at the United Nations. Though Islamabad fails to free the territory it occupies, it demands that India implement the UN Security Council Resolutions on Kashmir. While conducting discussions on one of her books that deal with the UN Security Council's three--step resolution to the Kashmir issue, Christine Fair, an American author, demolished a Pakistan scholar's claim on Kashmir. The Pakistan Army has fought three wars with India over Kashmir in 1947, 1965 and 1999 and failed to win any of them. It has sustained a proxy war in Kashmir since 1989 by using Islamist militants and continues to provide logistic support and training to these guerillas. The people of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Gilgit Baltistan have been protesting against the illegal occupation of Islamabad. They call this occupation a violation of the UNCIP resolutions of 13 August 1948, 5th January 1949 and 28th April 1949. Pakistani forces are present in large numbers despite the United Nations asking Islamabad to withdraw them from disputed parts.


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