Novi srpski školsko-borbeni avion! - The New Serbian Lead In Fighter Trainer

Описание к видео Novi srpski školsko-borbeni avion! - The New Serbian Lead In Fighter Trainer

What is happening with the development of a new school fighter plane in the company "Utva", which was bought by the largest company in the Serbian defense industry "Yugoimport"?
Two years earlier, in the brochures of the company "Jugoimport", which were distributed at the arms and military equipment fair "Partner 2015", which clearly indicated the project for the development of the new "Supergaleb" G-4M and its assault version G-5.
Later, it was found out in the text of Miroslav Lazanski given to the newspaper "Politika" that in 2012, the Serbian delegation offered the United Arab Emirates the joint development of a school-fighting aircraft of the LIFT category, ie (Lead In Fighter Trainer).
For this project, the Arabs were offered three types of aircraft that could be used for pilot training and combat operations, and they are:
Turboprop training aircraft "Kobac", which is used in the basic version as an apparatus for anti-terrorist and anti-guerrilla actions and which, according to Miroslav Lazanski, is one of the top such aircraft in its tactical and technological characteristics after the Brazilian Super Tucan and American AT-6 Wolvorine.
The COIN "Kobac" plane, as a low-risk project, made an excellent offer, because it represented the evolution of the "Lasta" school fighter plane.
The second type of domestic aircraft offered to the Emirates was a modernized version of the Orao attack aircraft, a two-seater NJ-22 variant with built-in avionics of a new generation to be a LIFT (Lead in Fighting Trainer) aircraft.
The third project for the development of a training fighter aircraft in the LIFT variant offered by the Serbian delegation to the Emirates was the project of the Yugoslav supersonic multi-purpose fighter aircraft of the fourth generation of the project name "New Aircraft".
All the necessary tests in the wind tunnels in Žarkovo have been completed. The brands of four engines were also analyzed: Snecma, Rolls-Royce, General Dynamics and Pratt & Whitney, as well as three types of air intakes and several types of radar: the French Thompson CSF, the British Ferranti and the Swedish Ericsson. The optimal aerodynamic concept was defined, and the plane itself was in fact a copy of the French "Rafale".
Šta se dešava sa razvojem novog školsko-borbenog aviona u kompaniji “Utva” koju je kupila najveća kompanija srpske odbrambene industrije“Yugoimport”?
Dve godine ranije u brošurama kompanije ”Jugoimport” koje su deljene na sajmu naoružanja i vojne opreme “Partner 2015” u kojoj je jasno naznačeno projekat razvoja novog ”Supergaleba” G-4M i njegove jurišne verzije G-5.
Kasnije se saznalo u tekstu Miroslava Lazanskog datog listu “Politika” da je 2012. godine srpska delegacija nudila Ujedinjenim arapskim Emiratima zajednički razvoj školsko-borbenog aviona LIFT kategorije odnosno (Lead In Fighter Trainer).
Za ovaj projekat su Arapima ponuđena tri tipa aviona koji bi mogli da se koriste za obuku pilota i za borbena dejstva, a to su:
Turboprop trenažni avion „Kobac“, koji se u osnovnoj verzilji koristi kao aparat za protivteroristička i protivgerilska dejsta i koji je po Miroslavu Lazanskom svojim taktičko-tehnološkim karakteristikama spada u vrh takvih aviona te kategorije posle brazilskog Super Tucana i američkog AT-6 Wolvorine.
COIN avion „Kobac“ je kao projekat malog rizika, je činio odličnu ponudu, jer je predstavljao evoluciju školsko-borbenog aviona “Lasta”.
Drugi tip domaćeg aviona koji je ponuđen Emiratima je bio modernizovana verzija jurišnog aviona „Orao“, dvosede varijante NJ-22 sa ugrađenom avionikom nove generacije da bi bio avion LIFT (Lead in Fighting Trainer)
Treći projekat za razvoj trenažno borbenog aviona u LIFT varijanti koji je srpska delegacija ponudila Emiratima je bio projekat jugoslovenskog supersoničnog višenamenskog borbenog aviona četvrte generacije projektnog naziva “Novi Avion”.
Sva potrebna ispitivanja u aerodinamičkim tunelima u Žarkovu su bila završena. Bile su analizirane i marke četiri motora: „Snecma“, „Rolls-Royce“, General Dynamics i ,„Pratt & Whitney“, kao i tri tipa uvodnika vazduha i nekoliko tipova radara francuski „Thompson CSF“, britanski „Feranti“ i švedski „Ericsson“. Definisana je optimalna aerodinamička koncepcija,a sam avion je u stvari bio kopija francuskog “Rafala“.
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Audio credit: › audiolibrary


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