Pierre Cochereau 100 - Memorial concert from Saint Roch, Paris

Описание к видео Pierre Cochereau 100 - Memorial concert from Saint Roch, Paris

Tune in for a wonderful afternoon of Beautiful music coming from the one of the organs of which the great Pierre Cochereau was titular organist: the magnificent Cavaillé-Coll in Saint Roch's church, Paris.

Livestreamed on July 9th -
Audio and video: Ralph Ghobril

0:00 Françoise Levêchin

0:05 Variations «Ma jeunesse a une fin»

Neithard Bethke

12:56 Georg Friedrich Händel: Orgelkonzert op 4,5

23:10 Pierre Cochereau: Six extraits des Neuf Pieces improvisées (Transkription de Jeanne Joulain)
Kyrie - Petit plein – jeu - Voix humaine – Flutes - Basse et dessus de trompette - Grand Plein-jeu

37:20 Mendelssohn Sei stille dem Herrn

42:07 Neithard Bethke: Kleine Pfingstpartita über den Choral "Heil'ger Geist, du Tröster mein"
Ursprüngliche Improvisation, später aufgezeichnet op. 124
Choralis in Cantu - Choralis in Basso pedaliter - Choralis in Tenore - Choralis doppio in Canto
e basso - Choralis in Canto - Pleno

Michael Bottenhorn

55:42 François Couperin (1668 - 1733): Offertoire sur les grands jeux (Messe pour les couvents)

1:03:00 Pierre Cochereau (1924 -1984): Berceuse à la mémoire de Louis Vierne (Transkription: Frédéric Blanc)

1:13:25 Michael Bottenhorn (*1976): Improvisation
A production by
IOOF in collaboration with ORGANpromotion
Concept and artistic director: Michael Grüber
Production: Axel Kroell
Video and audio recording: Ralph Ghobril
Video Editing: Francesco Paina
Coordination and project management: Kayol Lam, Sara Pavlovic, Elisabeth Hubmann
Many thanks to the organists:
Francoise Gangloff-Levéchin, Paris
Neithard Bethke, Zittau
Michael Bottenhorn, Bonn

Thank you to Jean-Paul Imbert, Paris
for the help with the organization

Special thanks to the parish priest and the parish of
Saint Roch, Paris

and to the association
“Les Grandes Orgues de Saint-Eustache” for kindly lending us their cameras

all photos courtesy of SOLSTICE records, thanks to Yvette Carbou.


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