Peste Noire - Casse, Pêches, Fractures et Traditions (with translated lyrics)

Описание к видео Peste Noire - Casse, Pêches, Fractures et Traditions (with translated lyrics)

All Peste Noire lyrics were officially translated by the PN crew here: Why bother with low-quality translations when you have that?

Buy the official version of "L'Ordure à l'état pur"=
Matrix of the official "L'Ordure à l'état pur" CD version: CA ARKAPESTENOIRE @@ - ifpi lv88 5/2/2011 3 : 29 : 00 PM 0000710139

The Canadian division of La mesnie Herlequin (LMH Amérique, run by Transcendental Creations) created in 2011 was closed in 2013. Therefore Transcendental Creations were denied the rights to produce, sell or distribute our CDs and merch. However they still do, although no contract was signed.
Also, Hells Headbangers, Shaytan productions, Zion’s Gate and most people/distro on discogs… are stocking the unofficial PN items produced by Transcendental Creations.

  / lamesnieherl.  .


"Salut c'est Nous ! Les durs de France
Nourris au vin, au Cochonou,
Les seuls toujours pas à genoux,
Les gros chauvins bouffeurs d'ail rance...
Mal rasés, crocs pourris,
Grassouillets, chauves petits,
Têtes de cons, fronts carrés,
Bras cassés, complt'ment ronds
On est venu péter la Gueuse !
Explobaiser la Raie Publique
Sous l'Organe de protection
Des derniers flibustiers de France.
Chasse Pêche Nature Extraditions
Des technocrottes et des urbains
Nos braconniers sautent dans ton bain c'est
Casse, Pèches, Fractures et Destruction...
Courre vite coco, j'ai dégainé mon arbalète,
Selon mon nombre de canettes
Tu prendras la flèche dans la tête
Ou dans tes noix d'coco.
Dare-dare rejoins les pays tropicaux
Ici pas d'place pour tes lascars
Parole de royco...
Je suis le bras armé des petites vieilles
Des blonds anges à binocles
Des producteurs de jus de treille,
Des purs produits du commun Socle.
Je suis un fist dans le cul de Marianne
Ma première piste c'était « Supremacy Aryan »
Je suis le vice, les couilles grosses pourries du Roi
Expéditif comme une croisade de Godefroy...
En ton nom Mérovée,
On boutera tous les mauvais !
Ouais ouais pour toi mon grand Carlo
Les faux repartiront par l'eau
Sans quoi révéré Père Capet
Ils finiront handicapés !"

(Songwriting, lyrics and concept by La sale Famine de Valfunde).

Brawling, Punches, Fractures and Tradition*

Hi it's us! The braves of France
Nourished by wine, salamis,
The only ones not on their knees,
Chauvinist chompers of rancid garlic,
Unshaven, rotten teeth,
Chubby, small with hairless prows,
Dickheads, with heavy brows,
Broken arms, totally drunk,
We've come to sink the Whore**,
Bang the slutty Republic,
Under the Organ of protection
Of the last buccaneers of France.
Hunting, Fishing, Nature, Extraditions,
Of technocrats and urbanites,
Our poachers jump in your tub and it's
Brawling, Punches, Fractures and Destruction...
Run quickly bolshie, I've drawn my crossbow,
Considering the beers in my guts,
You'll get an arrow in your brow,
Or in your coconuts.
Chop chop back to the tropics,
Here's no place for your pricks,
Upon my Royalist honour.
I am the armed wing of the little old ladies,
Of the blond angels with goggles,
Of the producers of wine,
Of the pure products of a common Spring.
I am a fist in the arse of Marianne,
My first track was Supremacy Aryan,
I am the vice, the big rotten balls of the King,
As swift as one of Godfrey's*** crusades...
In your name Merovech,****
We'll boot out all the wretches!
Yeah yeah for you my big Charley *****
The false will be sent back over the sea,
Otherwise revered Father Capet, ******
They'll end up crippled!

*The title 'Casse, Pêches, Fractures et Traditions' is reference to the agrarianist French political party 'Chasse, Pêche, Nature, Traditions':,...
** La Gueuse -- 'The Slut' or 'The Beggar' was a nickname given to the French Republic by the Royalists and other opponents.
*** Godfrey of Bouillon:
**** Merovech:
***** Charles Martel:
****** Hugh Capet:

(Songwriting, lyrics and concept by La sale Famine de Valfunde).


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