How to Block and Dodge a Punch for Self-Defense

Описание к видео How to Block and Dodge a Punch for Self-Defense

Here's my advice for learning how to block and dodge a punch. Take a look then sign up for my 7-DAY MARTIAL ARTS CHALLENGE!

It may sound strange, but the secret to self-defense is not defense... it's offense. Why? Because no one can block and dodge forever!

That means your goal in training shouldn't be to get good at blocking and dodging, it should be to force the bad guy to block and dodge YOUR punches! And the sooner you do that in a self-defense situation, the better.

The old masters of Karate and Kung Fu knew this. That's why they didn't waste time time passing down "blocks" in their forms and kata. Yes, many movements LOOK like blocks, but they're actually strikes, grabs, traps, locks, and breaks.

Am I saying you should never block or dodge in a fight? Of course not! Just don't focus on it. Instead of worrying about how to block a punch, train to keep to deliver a punch safely and intelligently. Good habits like dropping your chin and keeping your hands up will allow your body to defend itself automatically as you fight back.

To be clear, if you're sparring just for fun or competing in a combat sport, you may block and dodge as part of your gameplan to tire your opponent down or give yourself time to catch your breath. But in self-defense, you don't have time to play games!

If you're fighting for your life, you can either go down swinging or go down blocking. I'd rather go down swinging. How about you?

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Keep fighting for a happy life! :)


WARNING: The advice and movements shown in this video are for informational and educational purposes only. Consult a doctor before engaging in any exercise or martial arts program.


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