Save the output of xgb train of XGBoost as a log file with python logging

Описание к видео Save the output of xgb train of XGBoost as a log file with python logging

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XGBoost is a popular machine learning library for gradient boosting that is widely used for classification and regression tasks. While training a model using xgb.train, it can be helpful to log the training progress and important information to a file. Python's logging module provides a convenient way to manage logs, and we can use it to capture the output of the xgb.train function.
In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of saving the output of xgb.train as a log file using Python's logging module. Let's get started!
Make sure you have XGBoost installed. You can install it using:
Before using the xgb.train function, configure the logging module to save the logs to a file. You can set the desired log level, format, and file name. Create a logger and a file handler to write the logs to a file.
Adjust the filename parameter to set the desired log file name.
Now, use the xgb.train function to train your XGBoost model. Direct the output of the training process to the logger.
Replace 'your_training_data.csv' and 'your_labels.csv' with your actual training data and labels. Adjust the params dictionary according to your specific use case.


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