Authentic Self-Discovery "Essentials" Masterclass...

Описание к видео Authentic Self-Discovery "Essentials" Masterclass...

#godconsciousness #knowthyself #oneness

To Know Thy Self is the Supreme Answer Of Life & the 'way' of Oneness...

We are here to live in the knowing AND experience of Perfection, Fulfilled to overflowing to give without limits from the Infinite Eternal One Self...

There are some key fundamentals which are shared in this session...

"I Am THAT I Am"...

To KNOW the Truth I must BE the Truth: "I am the way the Truth the Light & the Life". The Supreme answer to Life is "I" & THAT "I" that is Perfect, Whole & Complete is Now. "I" is not what I merely think, believe, assume 'it' is. Which is why Knowing Thy Self IS the Greatest discovery & treasure of Life...

The way of Authentic Self Realisation is clear. To Know Thy Self is to walk the straight & narrow in Commandments 1 & 2...

We cover some of the common challenges & precisely how these are overcome; ignorance (aka arrogance) is nothing in the face of Truth...

May you know the One Self "I Am" Beloved & shine in Glorification of the Good That Is Reality without opposites, Your Good!


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