Difference between true fruits and fals fruits. LearnQuest. sexual reproduction in flowering plants

Описание к видео Difference between true fruits and fals fruits. LearnQuest. sexual reproduction in flowering plants

The main difference between true fruits and false fruits lies in their origin:

*True fruits:*

* Develop solely from the *ovary* of the flower.
* The ovary matures and ripens to form the fleshy fruit wall, while the seeds develop within.
* Examples: mango, tomato, grapes, berries, citrus fruits, etc.

*False fruits:*

* Develop from *other floral parts* besides the ovary, typically the thalamus, receptacle, or floral tube.
* These other parts enlarge and become fleshy, while the true ovary wall may be thin or absent.
* Examples: apple, strawberry, cashew apple, banana, etc.

Here's a table summarizing the key differences:

| Feature | True Fruit | False Fruit |
| Origin | Ovary only | Other floral parts, along with the ovary (or sometimes without it) |
| Development | Ovary matures and forms fruit wall | Other floral parts enlarge and become fleshy |
| Seeds | Present | Present in some cases, absent in others (parthenocarpic fruits) |
| Examples | Mango, tomato, grapes, berries | Apple, strawberry, cashew apple, banana |

Here are some additional points to consider:

* False fruits often have a more diverse and complex structure than true fruits.
* Both true and false fruits are important for plant reproduction. They attract animals who disperse the seeds through their droppings.
* Some fruits, like the pineapple, are a combination of true and false fruits. The fleshy part we eat is formed from the fused bracts, while the true fruit develops from the ovary and forms the "eyes" on the pineapple's surface.

I hope this clarifies the difference between true and false fruits!


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