TSCC: John/Cameron-Never Say Never

Описание к видео TSCC: John/Cameron-Never Say Never

General John/Cam vid. Just follow the lyrics, and it'll make sense.

I love, love, love this song! Its definitely my favorite Fray song, if not my favorite song period (well, favorite song for this week anyways). It's full of all kinds of awesomeness and I had to make a vid to it! I was originally gonna do a Lois/Clark vid, but I found an amazing vid to them with this song. So for my John/Cam fans you lucked out lol.
And on that note, even with TSCC cancelled (suck it FOX), I'll still be making vids for the show as long as I keep getting the inspiration to do so. Actually, my next vid (in theory) should be another John/Cam vid. So I hope you enjoy this vid and remember feedback is always appreciated!

Song: Never Say Never - The Fray

Disclaimer: I dont own the show and I dont own the song. This vid was make for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended.


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