Lost Lands 6: Mistakes of the past

Описание к видео Lost Lands 6: Mistakes of the past

Viaja al pasado y al presente para lograr un buen futuro.

Travel to the past and present to achieve a good future.

0:00:00 Puzzle escalera/Stair puzzle.
0:04:19 Puerta laboratorio Maroon/Maroon laboratory door.
0:07:14 Puerta figura bailarines cementerio/Door figure dancers cemetery.
0:08:29 Reloj del tiempo/time clock.
0:11:38 Tablas pantano/swamp boards.
0:12:23 Puzzle entrada a choza/Hut entrance puzzle.
0:18:16 Puzzle laboratorio Maroon caja/Puzzle laboratory Maroon box.
0:26:24 Puzzle disco de piedra pantano/Swamp stone disc puzzle.
0:28:01 Puzzle caja cabeza estatua/Puzzle box head statue.
0:30:28 Habitación objetos subterraneo herrero/Room objects underground blacksmith.
0:34:20 Cementerio nuevo puerta/New cemetery door.
0:39:01 Puzzle mecanismo cloacas/Sewer mechanism puzzle.
0:43:25 Habitación objetos celda/Room objects cell.
0:45:45 Puzzle bomba mazmorra/Dungeon bomb puzzle.
0:49:23 Puzzle puerta salón/Living room door puzzle.
0:51:14 Poción de polvo venenoso/Poison Dust Potion.
0:56:07 Dormitorio puzzle cajas/Bedroom puzzle boxes.
1:01:17 Puzzle armario ropa/Clothes closet puzzle.
1:02:24 Habitación objetos provisiones/room objects provisions.
1:07:37 Puzzle puerta triangular/Triangular door puzzle.
1:08:17 Puzzle gemas verdes/Green gems puzzle.
1:12:37 Habitación objetos cocina/room objects kitchen.
1:17:10 Habitación Maaron /Maaron Room.
1:19:03 Puzzle estrellas/Puzzle stars.
1:19:03 Casa de Maaron pasado/House of Maaron past.


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