The story about how the pigeon and its offspring escaped death (odu Ifá Iwori Irosun)

Описание к видео The story about how the pigeon and its offspring escaped death (odu Ifá Iwori Irosun)




The holy corpus we are teaching from todau shall be taken from the verse of IWORI LOTUN IROSUN LOSI which the herbalists put togethe and call it IWORI GOSUN

This corpus will teach us comprehensive lessons. God will always safeguard us

Let us continue


This is pigeon. She took her children on a journey on a fateful day. On their way going ,her children saw death killing both old and young,male and female,talk and short. They were astonishiled so they summon their mother to notice death's acts. They abused death of being wicked. No one abuses death and go scolt free. Death began to trail Eyele's children

Eyele took all her children back home she had a terrible nightmare that night. Many will say dreams are meaningless. Let us always take dreams seriously. Let us be vigilant all the time and erase doubt from our mind.

Some people contemplate on performing divinition and hesitated till they decided not to do it. Do not hesitate. It is a must. Eyele began to thing. She therefore consulted the chief priests and they performed divinition. After the divinition,IWORI GOSUN was revealed.

They said her children has implicated themselves through their mouth. What this verse is telling us is that we should warn our children. Mouth kills and delivers one. We should be careful on what we say wherever we go

Some interfere to what does not concern them which eventually cause great problem for them.

May not be implicated

To be swift,Wyele was told death would come to kill her children. Sgecwaa told to change the best of her children and apply osu on their feet each night for good seven nights. Eyele was told to make sacrifices too with a he goat for lives exchange and a cock for Eau. He who appease Esu is a friend of Esu

Sge did as she was instructed when she got home.

After death gas killed enormously,he remembered the children of Eyele sho abused him. He said he would take their lives that night. Little did he know that Eyele has make propitiations. The following night he took his baton of death to Eyele's house. He knew where the children do sleep so he snicked in at night. He doesn't knock at the door before he enters


Death comes suddenly unannounced.


Death entered though Eyele was scared. Death took all the children but Esu appeared and rescued them. After Eyele had appease Esu. I want us to know Esu rescues one during tumult. Esu is different from Satan. Esu the deity of Yoruba land not the said 'Satan'. Esu who makes way for the good. Esu that blocks all evil.

Esu changed. He told Death to look at the people he came to kill. Truly the children of Eyele abused you but look at the feet of these ones you came to meet. These feet are red. Are these the legs of those who sbesed you? To cut it short, death was blocked by Esu since Eyele had given Esu his food.

Esu asked to know if the feet of those who sbided death were red. This is not where you are going.

The following day death came again. He saw the feet been red. He claimed this is the house these children entered. Esu said yes truly they entered here but compare their feet to those who abused you. Death said he is confused. The third day ,the fourth day till the seventh day

Esu enjoined death not to disturb himself because the children that sbemused him are not here. Then he death stopped in his quest to kill Eyele's children.


Esu then said,OSU had done Eyele a favour so osi should not leave Eyele's leg forever. That was why you see red OSU on the legs of Eyele till tomorrow


Check all the legs of all Eyele (pigeons) you will see they are red. That was because osun had helped Eyele in time past.

In short,that was how Eyele's children escaped death and sickness. Whenever we are having strange feelings and signs let us quickly go to the chief priests for divinition. If Eyele had not been vigilant,she would lose all her children.

Esu instructed Eyele again not to remove OSU from her legs since it was OSU that scaled her children from death. IWORI GOSUN said so.



Let us Maje use of this teaching. It is a great lesson


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