RC8 - RC14 Rift: KANE How good is he really? Is Rageset required? Do I pull? A Deep Dive into Rift.

Описание к видео RC8 - RC14 Rift: KANE How good is he really? Is Rageset required? Do I pull? A Deep Dive into Rift.

We thought he was bad but there is more to this story.
Learn about how Kane can be used. Pros/Cons to pulling, Surprise mechanics that make Rage set not required, as well as a side by side fair comparison between Kane and Milim for RC13-RC14 fights.

This video shows RC8+ teams. if your Rift Controller Level is 7 or lower check the Rift playlist for RC1 - RC7 team ideas

If you need a different team check out my other Rift videos
   • RIFT  

0:00 Introduction
1:15 Why NOT to pull Kane
4:03 Why to pull Kane
4:34 Rage Set not BIS?
6:01 Milim vs Kane (Old Teams)
6:17 Mascot Hazel gear
6:44 Haste gear
7:16 Surin gear
8:02 Milim gear
8:24 Milim Fight Overview (Old Team)
9:06 Kane Gear
8:32 Kane Fight Overview (Old Team)
10:09 Milim vs Kane (New Teams)
10:18 Mascot Hazel gear
10:48 Haste gear
11:17 Surin gear
12:13 Milim gear
12:43 Milim Fight Overview (New Team)
13:32 Kane Gear
14:22 Kane Fight Overview (New Team)
15:41 Result Comparison
16:06 Do You Pull Now?
16:26 Final Observations

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