
Описание к видео #Paramotor

Showing you all my field assembly of my #Iris #infinity #Paramotor. Straight from the trunk of my #rav4 to the soccer field. Real Time assembly, about ten minutes from trunk up to ready-to-fly. This video covers layout and snapping things in place. I would still have to do a good preflight of everything.
EDIT: In the video i say something like, “the big difference between the Kangook and the iris is the hoops” which is not correct. I really meant: the big difference in the Kangook and the Iris is how they did the hoop netting tension, that the Kangook comes with three hoop sections with individual pre-tensioned netting. There are a LOT of other frame differences, including size and weight and width, swing arms, seat angle, and plenty of other differences between the two.
That’s what happens when I just ramble on as I record. I’m not always able to think about what I’m saying.


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