The 10 Most Commonly Used Chinese Measure Words

Описание к видео The 10 Most Commonly Used Chinese Measure Words

Hi there, it is been a long time since my last video. Here the first video since I am back and it is about the 10 most commonly used measure words!

We don’t have conjugation but we do have measure words in Chinese. The rule of thumb is: Number + Measure Word + Noun. And we have to know which measure goes with the noun so that is why measure word is super important for nouns.

In this video, the 10 measure words are 把,支,张,条,只,双,件,份,部,种. They are used with different specific kind of things and objects. So you will also see a lot of different nouns that go with these 10 measure words. The most important thing is again the association between the measure word and the nouns.

And remember the rule of thumb: Number + Measure Word + Noun.

If you have any interesting story about you learning the measure words, welcome to comment below. Or any questions to the measure words, leave a comment below.

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