Housepert 陪你走過日本春夏秋冬之“置業篇”

Описание к видео Housepert 陪你走過日本春夏秋冬之“置業篇”

We are Housepert!!!

Housepert 創辦人具備三十年酒店建築發展項目經驗,曾任職多家全球知名酒店集團如 Langham, Hilton 及 Fairmount,位至項目總監,現正移居大阪。Housepert 不動產株式会社在日本領有正式房地產牌照,同時是全日本不動產協會會員,並與當地一家四十多年歷史的不動產公司 T-Planet 結盟合作,

Housepert 宗旨是協助有意移居大阪及周邊地區的人士按照個人喜好置業安居,日後成為自由翱翔的「貴候鳥」。公司服務包括房地產中介、地皮買賣、設計及施工管理等,至於實際施工則由注重細節的日本人公司執行。

Having spent 30 years in Hotel Development Projects in many prestige hotel operators such as Langham, Hilton and Fairmont, our team and I are fully committed to the quality and cost-effectiveness of the project.

Our company focuses on accountability and reliability. We respect the need to follow defined procedures, and we always endeavour to complete projects on time.

Housepert ownership, management and team members all strive to provide the best construction design service on the market. We aim to become a construction industry disruptor, helping to reset the common perception that the industry is very wasteful.
We also aim to exceed client expectations with regular reporting. by maintaining rigorous quality standards and by applying aggressive pricing strategies.


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