The Story of Rhuddlan Castle

Описание к видео The Story of Rhuddlan Castle

Discover when, why and where Rhuddlan Castle was built and explore what remains today.
The second castle to be started in Wales by the English King, Edward (Iongshanks) is at Rhuddlan.
Perhaps not as grand as Edward's other castles of Conwy, Caernarfon, Beaumaris or Harlech, this castle was perhaps the most important.
It is where the Statute of Rhuddlan was signed and the Welsh Princes ceded their lands to the English crown.
Have A Grand Tour with me as we discover the story and what remains today.

00:00 Brief history of Edward's campaign
02:46 Brief history of Rhuddlan
05:13 New castle location
07:05 Construction of the castle and the town
11:45 Defeat of the Welsh
15:47 Later action seen at Rhuddlan Castle
16:40 What remains today?
19:00 How to visit
20:50 Outro

If you'd like to follow in our footsteps by visiting Rhuddlan Castle, some useful information is on our website at


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