WPL MN99S 6x6 Custom Build :: RIVERSIDE RUN :: 1/12 RC CAR WPL MN D90, Defender d90

Описание к видео WPL MN99S 6x6 Custom Build :: RIVERSIDE RUN :: 1/12 RC CAR WPL MN D90, Defender d90

I made a 6WD Defender D90 using two MN99S.
As a result of the first test drive, two rear axle gears were broken.
It is now two wheel drive. It seems that some corrections are needed.

Motor&ESC : Surpass Hobby kk Combo 2435-3300kV 25A

Center shafts and center gearbox were replaced with metal options. Transmitter, receiver and servo were also replaced.

#wplmn99s #wpl #wplmn90


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