Model Loom Made From Meccano

Описание к видео Model Loom Made From Meccano

This is a Meccano model loom, built largely according to the instructions for Meccano Super Model No. 16A. These instructions were originally published around 1930 when looms were a popular subject for Meccano enthusiasts.

The loom is hand operated and all the movements - the healds, shuttle, roller etc. - are interlinked.

Building of the loom is not particularly difficult, but a great deal of care is required in its setting up and adjustment. The shuttle often gets stuck, or simply falls out of the machine!

I have made a few small modifications over the 16A design, including smoother cams and better components in the picking motion. The original design called for spring cord on the sleigh, which I have replaced with standard cord, to better effect.


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