Cranfield School of Management - Full time MBA - The MasterTaste Interview

Описание к видео Cranfield School of Management - Full time MBA - The MasterTaste Interview

A solid, serious approach to higher education, you won't find anyone in Cranfield listening to One Direction. Tight-nit, surrounded by soft rolling hills, we tend to agree with Frank: this seems a focused place to study. Just don't wander onto their private airfield by accident at night...

The whole MasterTaste interview here:


00:16 Is this program in danger of becoming old fashioned?

00:51 It all sounds very serious, is it?

01:32 You have an engineering pedigree. What does that give to MBAs?

02:38 What about high tech?

03:41 Why does it matter that you are not an ivory tower?

05:37 Your motto - Practice of Management not the Theory of Business? Don't you need both?

07:25 This is a entirely postgraduate community. So what?

08:07 You are 1 hour from London. Is it too far?

08:24 Why not study my MBA in London?

09:00 Can I meet real business leaders here?

09:48 You are Triple Accredited, why does it matter?

10:23 Harvard isn't triple why are you?

10:45 Doesn't accreditation constrict the curriculum?

12:39 Is it a flexible course?

12:59 Are one year courses cookie cutters?

13:16 On a scale of super flexible to cookie cutter, where are you?

14:12 Why is your executive education program relevant to my full time MBA?

15:54 What does it mean that a busines school has corporate clients?

16:58 What's more important to Cranfield: Corporate clients or Quality Education for students?

17:51 Where is the optimal balance?

18:08 Are lecturers too busy with clients, to really teach?

18:28 How does the school prioritise?

19:36 What about Social Enterprise?

21:43 Why is this something to be proud of?

20:07 Everybody says that, but do you really do it?

23:09 Are these courses mandatory?

23:43 Where do your graduates go?

24:36 77% men, is that the right balance?

26:05 Changing country - does everyone come to the UK?

27:19 Is this an easy way into the UK?

27:48 You teach Resilience. Resilience against what?

29:22 How do I know you really deliver on Leadership training?

29:51 Your website says this MBA will help me find outwhere I want to go professionally? If I don't know that, should I be paying this much money?

32:36 Is an MBA for someone who does, or doesn't, know what they want to do?

33:41 Who do you reject?

34:20 Competitve or Collaborative?

34:51 Is an MBA a commodity?

36:01 What makes you unique?

37:38 Why is a corporate brand important?

39:37 How do you get faculty to come back from hot countries?


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