How Action Fuels Ambition & Curiosity Outshines Efficiency in Learning - David Pardell

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David Pardell is a software developer and current computer science student. David has always had a strong passion for computers and software, which have fueled his academic pursuits and career aspirations. Outside of the tech world, David’s competitive nature was fostered through sports, having played volleyball at the collegiate level at NAIT. His background in athletics continues to shape his outlook, contributing to his drive and determination in his studies and work. Today, we’ll dive into three important topics for David: ambition, learning, and technology, exploring how these areas have shaped his journey thus far.

David’s view on ambition has evolved significantly over time. Initially, he saw ambition as a static trait, something you either had or didn’t. However, his experiences, especially in the gym and returning to school, have led him to see ambition as something that emerges from taking steps toward action. Rather than waiting for motivation to strike, David believes that showing up, putting in the work, and making an effort brings ambition to life. Whether overcoming the transition between work and school or re-energizing himself after burnout, ambition has been the force driving him forward. David’s story highlights the importance of proactive steps in creating a positive outlook for the future.

When it comes to learning, David takes a highly individualized approach. For him, staying up-to-date with rapidly changing technologies is not just about chasing trends but going back to the basics. He views programming languages and technologies as variations of foundational concepts. Mastering these essentials allows him to adapt quickly and effectively to new tools. David’s learning methods have also evolved since he began studying computer science. Rather than sticking to a single strategy, he adapts based on the course or project. Whether through hands-on projects, problem-solving, or taking a more theoretical approach, David emphasizes that curiosity should drive the learning process.

In terms of technology, David is most excited about the developments in artificial intelligence, particularly the groundbreaking work being done at institutions like the University of Alberta. He’s currently diving deep into compiler technology, which transforms human-written code into machine-executable programs, a topic he finds fascinating due to its active research and practical applications. David’s approach to staying informed about the latest trends is twofold: out of necessity, when solving specific problems, and out of sheer interest in discovering new innovations. He acknowledges, however, that action is key—while staying informed is important, progress is only made through hands-on work.

Finally, David recognizes the ethical challenges that come with today’s technological advancements, particularly in AI. The biases present in our world can easily be reflected and amplified in the data that powers machine learning models, leading to dangerous feedback loops. He feels there is a great responsibility to ensure that technology serves to improve lives while avoiding harmful societal impacts. David is optimistic about the future of technology but believes that mindful development is essential in continuing to create tools that benefit everyone without unintended negative consequences.



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