Why I Sign (for the ASL

Описание к видео Why I Sign (for the ASL

My story with American Sign Language - why I struggled to embrace my Deaf identity at first and how I found it through ASL.
ICODA: International Center on Deafness and the Arts
Someone saw this video and asked me if I could tell them how I learned to cope and become comfortable with my Deaf identity, and I wanted to share my response in case anyone else is struggling with the same thing and there’s any chance this helps:
I don’t know that I ever really hit a level where from that point on, I was always comfortable with my Deaf identity 100%. …
The truth is that we might always face situations that are difficult and frustrating and make us question how accepting we are of our identities. But what I’ve found is that these moments are so, so insignificant compared to all the times I stood up and self-advocated for my needs, or the feeling I get every time I sign a song in ASL, or the countless times a friend or even stranger has excitedly approached me to show me the new signs they learned, or the times when it’s just all my Deaf friends in one room with hands flying and no ears necessary. And that, I think, is kind of what embracing your identity is all about–trusting that the great moments far outweigh the frustrating ones, and trusting that your own self-acceptance will decimate any shame or anger you’ve learned to associate with your identity.
There’s no set manual on becoming comfortable with your Deaf identity and learning how to cope with those awful, infuriating situations when you don’t hear or understand people and the world doesn’t understand you. But remember: never be afraid to demand the accommodations you need; cherish the people in your life who respect, understand, and fulfill those needs; and no matter how rudely or indifferently or ignorantly the people around you act–know that you deserve full accessibility and that you are completely and utterly valid in your own identity.


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