What if You Lived a Different Life丨平行空间的第二人生丨Chinese Podcast 109

Описание к видео What if You Lived a Different Life丨平行空间的第二人生丨Chinese Podcast 109

What if You Lived a Different Life? What would you be like in a parallel universe?
平行空间的另一个你是怎样的?三位大叔将带你进入一个充满想象力和趣味的讨论 — 如果大叔们不是中文老师,他们会选择什么职业,过着怎样的人生呢?这是一次深入了解大叔们内心世界的机会。或许,你也会开始思考,平行空间的自己,会是怎样的一个人呢?Three Dashu—if they weren't Chinese teachers, what careers would they choose, and what kind of lives would they lead? This is an opportunity to gain deeper insights into the inner worlds of our uncles. Perhaps you'll start wondering what your parallel universe self would be like too.

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