Bladder Cancer: What to Know If You’ve Just Been Diagnosed

Описание к видео Bladder Cancer: What to Know If You’ve Just Been Diagnosed

There are several types of bladder cancer, and treatment depends on where the cancer began and the stage of disease. In this video, Dr. Petros Grivas and Dr. Jonathan Wright discuss what people diagnosed with bladder cancer should know, including questions to ask their doctor, current treatment options, and the latest research in bladder cancer.

More Information
Bladder Cancer

ASCO Answers Fact Sheet: Bladder Cancer (PDF; 2 pages)

00:00 Introduction
00:13 What is the bladder and urinary tract?
00:30 What is bladder cancer?
01:15 Types of bladder cancer
01:40 Questions to ask after being diagnosed with bladder cancer
02:55 Treatment options for bladder cancer
05:09 About clinical trials for bladder cancer
05:47 Latest research in bladder cancer
06:59 Where to find support and information


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