Minecraft 5 Block Jump (without effects, ice, slime or headhitters)

Описание к видео Minecraft 5 Block Jump (without effects, ice, slime or headhitters)

Discovery by Kemytz (for figuring out high value fast math angles increase speed), Cynimal (for finding the fastest angle which is 94373055°) and 5BlockNeo (for the setup)
Kemytz's video for 5 block jump:    • Flat momentum 5 block jump (Fast Math...   (this used double 45 strafe variant which is not doable humanly [turning 94372965° in 1 tick] with normal sensitivity)
This glitch is related to the the half angle glitch, except amplified because floats are more imprecise at large values.
This is version 1.8.9 and I'm using Optifine HD U I7 mod. This doesn't work in optifine versions above HD U I7 because fast math codes have been changed. (It could work if someone finds a different angle for the new fast math code)
There are 2 ways to turn to 94373055° value:
1° You could turn to the right for several hours with 100% sensitivity
2° You could change the sensitivity on options.txt high enough that turning 1 pixel to the right would make you turn to 94373055°. In this case my sensitivity value in options.txt was 713.7313175 (by 5BlockNeo).
At the end I was comparing the X speed between the diagonal run of 94373055° angle and normal 135° angle. Normal diagonal run speed is around 0.286 b/t, whereas a diagonal run speed at a 94373055° angle with fast math on is 0.3115 b/t. This is a very big difference.


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