If you would like to get my help personally or if you would like to collaborate, please reach out to me through my website, www.boristhepa.com
If you just have a quick question, I prefer that you post it to the comments so that other students can benefit from the question and from my answer, but if it's something personal then I'm more than happy to answer quick questions for free over email or direct messaging on Instagram.
That's it, you did, you got into PA school! You're smart, you're motivated, and you're passionate about helping people to feel better and live healthier lives! You're also a little nervous because PA school is supposed to be really hard. I was in your shoes (except for the smart part ;)) just 12 months ago, and I'd like to share some knowledge with you.
I was never a great student until I decided that I wanted to be a PA. Even then, I never had a perfect study strategy, I really just had to figure it out as I went along. With this video, I hope that I can save new PA students (and medical, nursing, respiratory therapy, etc.) some time and stress. Use the things that I learned through trial and error, and many inefficient and even unproductive hours, and also through the help of my PA school's amazingly knowledgeable and helpful faculty. Apply these tips to your study and test-taking strategies in didactic year.
In this video, I talk about some things to do in general, like how to get the most out of your PA school mentor. I also discuss specific study strategies for core medical training classes like anatomy, pharmacology, and clinical medicine! So here are the 4 commandments of success in didactic year of PA school.
My name is Boris, I'm a current Physician Assistant (PA) student. My passions are educating people about healthcare and learning about medicine! Please subscribe to my channel to help me reach more people and stay tuned for more great content including: interview tips and stories, essay writing tutorials, interviews with medical, PA, and nursing students, and much more!
**Disclaimer: I am not a PA School admissions professional. The advice I provide in my YouTube videos and any advice or feedback I provide during consulting sessions is for informational purposes only and is based on my own knowledge, experience, personal research, and success as a PA School applicant and student. All views expressed through email, in phone and video consulting sessions, and on my YouTube channel are my own and may not reflect the views or opinions of my school, employer, or anyone else.**
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