Top 50 parents destroying kids stuff

Описание к видео Top 50 parents destroying kids stuff

Which on of these parts were the best ones?
My Instagram:   / yk_dominick  

Philosofier:    / @ytmonetizemastery  
Kurtzie28:    / kurtzie28kingofyoutube  
bs craycray:    / @bscraycray5479  
Sernando ( I'm giving credit to him because he capture one of the clip I put):    / sernando  
Orginal video were i capture one of his clip:   • Parents DESTROY kids electronics comp...  
Christian Golca:    / christiangolca  
Average Branden:    / @averagebranden  
Russell beck:    / @russellbeck3577  
Cade Schneider:    / @cs-hz6me  
Nvidiaguides:    / nvidiaguides  
Kato McGee:    / @katomcgee9846  
DanRecords:    / @danrecords8  
McJuggerNuggets:    / mcjuggernuggets  
Lunatic Dad:    / lunaticdad  
Jason:    / Канал  
Snake Plissken:    / snakeplisskenfinalciak  
NinToby:    / nintoby  
proXgamerHD YT:    / proxgamerhdyt  
Gilroy Vlogs:    / gilroyvlogs  
tylercwooldridge:    / shortblockfilms  
uzi9mm:    / uzi9mm  
RamRyan •:    / @tanotap12432  
Tre Cosby:    / @trecosby5489  
Daddy O Archive:    / daddyoarchive  
Amber Bouldin:    / @amberbouldin8327  
TheAngryGrandpaShow:    / theangrygrandpashow  
Chris B:    / @chrisb8904  
Stymz:    / sliafirefox56  
Gregory Steward( Im giving credit to him because he capture one of team creeds videos ):   / gregorysteward  
Original video:    • Raging Dad Bust Down Door Over League...  
Randomizer 79901: (Im giving myself credit because I capture one the videos before it got taken down)
WebM !:    / @webm4424  
Anything Goes:    / @anythinggoes1778  
Nigromante 966:    / nigromante966  
Violette1st:    / violette1st  
EverythingGeek:    / everythinggeek  
boogie2988:    / boogie2988  
Michael Myers j:    / @michaelmyersj3615  


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