How to Create a Barcode Text Effect in Adobe illustrator

Описание к видео How to Create a Barcode Text Effect in Adobe illustrator

In this tutorial, we're going to create a Barcode Text Effect using Adobe Illustrator. First, open Illustrator and use the text type tool to add your desired text. Choose a font that's Tall and Condensed—I'm using Muhaqu Regular, but you can select any similar font.

Link to Download the Font:

Next, adjust the size of your text to fit your artboard and align it to the top center. You'll want to add a gap between characters, about 25-50 units.

Then, head to 'Object', choose 'Envelope Distort', and select 'Make with Mesh'. Enter similar numbers for the grid and press enter.

Now, focus on the anchor points. I'll be selecting the bottom ones for this example. Drag these points to stretch the font even more.

After you've finished stretching, remember to expand your text.

Next, grab the rectangle tool and start adding lines within the text. Begin with a bold line followed by a thin one. Repeat the process, but reverse the order—start with a bold line then add a thin line.

Here's a neat trick: select all the lines you've created and, while holding the ALT key, drag them to duplicate across the entire text.

Lastly, delete the lines on one side of the text. This creates an overlapping effect with the barcode, giving it a cooler look.

And there you have it! A simple yet fun Barcode Text Effect. Stay tuned for more videos and don't forget to subscribe to our channel!


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