NYPD Wild Arrest of Hasidic Man in Boro Park

Описание к видео NYPD Wild Arrest of Hasidic Man in Boro Park

A Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Boro Park on Sunday afternoon October 7 2018 ended in chaos and at least one person arrested.

Sources tell YWN that at around 6:00PM, hundreds of people began a procession with a new Sefer Torah to the Jebo Bais Hamedrash. There was apparently no permit issued for a street closure, and police responded due to massive traffic in the area.

As can be seen in the attached video footage, numerous NYPD vehicles attempted to open the street and ordered the pedestrians onto the sidewalks.

Individuals intentionally ignored police, prompting officers to get out of their vehicles and attempphysically made an arrest.

The NYPD called for a Level 1 Mobilization Response, prompting dozens of officers to respond


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