H.G. Amogh Lila Prabhu_SB-10.35.12-15_22.04.2023

Описание к видео H.G. Amogh Lila Prabhu_SB-10.35.12-15_22.04.2023

ŚB 10.35.12-13
सहबल: स्रगवतंसविलास:
सानुषु क्षितिभृतो व्रजदेव्य: ।
हर्षयन् यर्हि वेणुरवेण
जातहर्ष उपरम्भति विश्वम् ॥ १२ ॥
मन्दमन्दमनुगर्जति मेघ: ।
सुहृदमभ्यवर्षत् सुमनोभि-
श्छायया च विदधत् प्रतपत्रम् ॥ १३ ॥
saha-balaḥ srag-avataṁsa-vilāsaḥ
sānuṣu kṣiti-bhṛto vraja-devyaḥ
harṣayan yarhi veṇu-raveṇa
jāta-harṣa uparambhati viśvam
manda-mandam anugarjati meghaḥ
suhṛdam abhyavarṣat sumanobhiś
chāyayā ca vidadhat pratapatram
saha-balaḥ — together with Balarāma; srak — a flower garland; avataṁsa — as the ornament on His head; vilāsaḥ — playfully wearing; sānuṣu — on the sides; kṣiti-bhṛtaḥ — of a mountain; vraja-devyaḥ — O goddesses of Vṛndāvana (gopīs); harṣayan — creating joy; yarhi — when; veṇu — of His flute; raveṇa — by the resounding vibration; jāta-harṣaḥ — becoming joyful; uparambhati — causes to relish; viśvam — the entire world; mahat — against a great personality; atikramaṇa — of a transgression; śaṅkita — fearful; cetāḥ — in his mind; manda-mandam — very gently; anugarjati — thunders in response; meghaḥ — the cloud; suhṛdam — upon his friend; abhyavarṣat — has rained down; sumanobhiḥ — with flowers; chāyayā — with his shade; ca — and; vidadhat — providing; pratapatram — an umbrella as protection from the sun.

O goddesses of Vraja, when Kṛṣṇa is enjoying Himself with Balarāma on the mountain slopes, playfully wearing a flower garland on the top of His head, He engladdens all with the resonant vibrations of His flute. Thus He delights the entire world. At that time the nearby cloud, afraid of offending a great personality, thunders very gently in accompaniment. The cloud showers flowers onto his dear friend Kṛṣṇa and shades Him from the sun like an umbrella.

ŚB 10.35.14-15
विविधगोपचरणेषु विदग्धो
वेणुवाद्य उरुधा निजशिक्षा: ।
तव सुत: सति यदाधरबिम्बे
दत्तवेणुरनयत् स्वरजाती: ॥ १४ ॥
सवनशस्तदुपधार्य सुरेशा:
शक्रशर्वपरमेष्ठिपुरोगा: ।
कवय आनतकन्धरचित्ता:
कश्मलं ययुरनिश्चिततत्त्वा: ॥ १५ ॥
vividha-gopa-caraṇeṣu vidagdho
veṇu-vādya urudhā nija-śikṣāḥ
tava sutaḥ sati yadādhara-bimbe
datta-veṇur anayat svara-jātīḥ
savanaśas tad upadhārya sureśāḥ
kavaya ānata-kandhara-cittāḥ
kaśmalaṁ yayur aniścita-tattvāḥ
vividha — various; gopa — of cowherds; caraṇeṣu — in the activities; vidagdhaḥ — expert; veṇu — of the flute; vādye — in the matter of playing; urudhā — manifold; nija — of His own production; śikṣāḥ — whose teachings; tava — your; sutaḥ — son; sati — O pious lady (Yaśodā); yadā — when; adhara — upon His lips; bimbe — which are like red bimba fruits; datta — placing; veṇuḥ — His flute; anayat — He brought forth; svara — of musical sound; jātīḥ — the harmonic tones; savanaśaḥ — with a variety of low, high and middle pitches; tat — that; upadhārya — hearing; sura-īśāḥ — the principal demigods; śakra — Indra; śarva — Śiva; parameṣṭhi — and Brahmā; puraḥ-gāḥ — headed by; kavayaḥ — learned scholars; ānata — bowed; kandhara — their necks; cittāḥ — and minds; kaśmalam yayuḥ — they became bewildered; aniścita — unable to ascertain; tattvāḥ — its essence.

O pious mother Yaśodā, your son, who is expert in all the arts of herding cows, has invented many new styles of flute-playing. When He takes His flute to His bimba-red lips and sends forth the tones of the harmonic scale in variegated melodies, Brahmā, Śiva, Indra and other chief demigods become confused upon hearing the sound. Although they are the most learned authorities, they cannot ascertain the essence of that music, and thus they bow down their heads and hearts.

The words tava sutaḥ sati, “your son, O chaste lady,” clearly indicate that at this point mother Yaśodā is among the young gopīs as they earnestly describe Lord Kṛṣṇa’s glories. According to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī, among the demigods led by Śakra (Lord Indra) were Upendra, Agni and Yamarāja, among those led by Śarva (Lord Śiva) were Kātyāyanī, Skanda and Gaṇeśa, and among those led by Parameṣṭhī (Lord Brahmā) were the four Kumāras and Nārada. Thus the best collective intelligence in the universe could not definitively analyze the enchanting musical arrangements of the Supreme Lord.

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