Izotope RX 10: Should you buy or not?

Описание к видео Izotope RX 10: Should you buy or not?

A short overview of the new features in Izotope RX 10 Advanced: Text Navigation, Multi-Speaker Detection, Repair Assistant, De-hum, Spectral Recovery, and FTUEs.

EDIT: Selection Feathering does the feathering inside the selection, not outside the selection. I misread the press release. Sorry!

Buy Izotope RX 10:

Here's my website for helpful links, templates, and sample projects: https://soundtuts.com/

Sound Designer Coaching and Mentoring: https://soundtuts.com/collections/fro...

00:00 - Introduction
01:14 - Test setup
01:54 - Text Navigation and Multi-Speaker Detection overview
06:58 - Repair Assistant overview
08:40 - Re-doing Text Navigation after cleaning clips
11:33 - De-hum module overview
14:10 - Spectral Recovery overview
17:11 - Selection Feathering overview
18:14 - First Time User Experience tour overview
18:29 - RX 10 Technical Specifications
18:54 - RX 10 Pricing
19:36 - Conclusion


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