Response: Greg Doucette & More Plates More Dates - Getting THE MOST Out of HRT

Описание к видео Response: Greg Doucette & More Plates More Dates - Getting THE MOST Out of HRT

Greg Doucette recently had More Plates More Dates Derek on his channel to talk about getting the most out of HRT/TRT (video here:    • Getting THE MOST Out of HRT  ) In this video I respond to their comments and add my physician’s perspective. Greg is on TRT and wants to add a few more pounds of muscle. Should he increase the dose? Add other agents like steroids, growth hormone, or insulin? Derek had a smart take on this, but I want to add some medical considerations I’d take into account when making these decisions. I discuss Greg’s labs compared to my own, the physiology of total testosterone, free T, and SHBG in men on TRT, and some additional medicines and strategies I use in my patients to keep them healthy. If you’re on TRT and want to add muscle or just interested in staying healthy, watch this video!

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00:00 - Intro
01:57 - Total & free T physiology
02:52 - Lab order discount
03:33 - My labs compared to Greg's
04:21 - Why most men on TRT see lower total T vs. free
05:17 - Chronic androgenic signaling and SHBG
06:13 - Derek's thoughts on the lowest effective dose
06:42 - Adding steroids to lowest effective dose TRT?
07:15 - Growth factors, GH, insulin
08:04 - Multiple "vector forces" and side effects
09:31 - Smart TRT doses
09:55 - Not discussed: AI's, anti-estrogens
10:20 - Knowing your numbers + how you feel
11:01 - Using additional drugs? Steroids?
11:44 - Why current medical issues & history affect next steps
12:40 - Calcium score, echo, and LVH should affect your choices
13:15 - PSA and digital rectal exam
13:28 - Integrating blood pressure and cholesterol meds

Stay Strong and Healthy,
Dr. O


As the Anabolic Doc, since 2003, I’ve provided men who are using or have used anabolic steroids a confidential, ethical and professional medical venue to discuss their use. I do NOT in any way support the use of any performance enhancing drugs - PEDs, anabolic steroid or other medicine for muscle building or body transformation. The “off-label” use of PEDs, as such agents is considered illicit and may lead to adverse health outcomes. Please consult an expert health professional regarding any medical agent and do NOT use any medicine without the explicit advice and supervision of an appropriate medical expert.

This video is for education and information only. This is not medical advice. Only take medications as prescribed by your doctor. Do not take illegal substances. Taking steroids can lead to serious health consequences.

#GregDoucette #MorePlatesMoreDates #HRT #TRT

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