INFO BEASISWA KULIAH DI PRANCIS 2021 - Scholarships in France

Описание к видео INFO BEASISWA KULIAH DI PRANCIS 2021 - Scholarships in France

Hai teman-teman,
Kali ini narasumber aku adalah Kak Abi (mahasiswa S2 di Université Côte-d'Azur) dan kak Rahmad (lulusan S2 Sorbonne Université di Paris).

Selamat menonton!

Hi my lovely friends,
My speakers are Abi (a master's student at Université Côte-d'Azur) and Rahmad (a graduate of the Sorbonne Université in Paris). In this video, we will give you information about scholarships in France.

Enjoy !

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