3 Reasons to Take a Gap Year Before Uni in 3 Minutes(ish)! (Why take a gap year? Here's why)

Описание к видео 3 Reasons to Take a Gap Year Before Uni in 3 Minutes(ish)! (Why take a gap year? Here's why)

Here are 3 reasons why you should consider taking a gap year before starting Uni, in 3 minutes.

I apologise for the focus on the camera being inconsistent. I’m still a noob, smh.

Timestamps if you want to know the 3 reasons in 3 seconds instead lol, or if you’re in a rush, it’s calm :)
0:05 - First Reason
0:45 - Second Reason
1:47 - Third Reason
3:04 - Closing Remarks

Should you take a gap year? Is it a good idea to take a gap year? Is taking a gap year worth it? In this video I go over 3 reasons why you should take a gap year! I try my best to keep this video short and sweet and hopefully help you make a final decision. Obviously you shouldn't base this important life decision from watching online videos like this but, it should act as a guide in the right direction.


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