LUCY: The Secret Missions [K-band 루시]

Описание к видео LUCY: The Secret Missions [K-band 루시]

Just had to make the title sound grand.

Please excuse any change of fonts and editing errors. I also tried to keep the translations as short and simple as possible, so it would be highly appreciated if you don't mind some untranslated sentences or rough translations. Please leave comments and enjoy the video! Thank you so much for waiting. I also added the members' names when they speak for new Walwals- welcome to the fandom and let's give lots of support towards LUCY! Stay safe everyone :)

Extra announcement:
Calling out all Malaysian Walwals! A Malaysian fan base for LUCY has been launched on Instagram and Twitter, please follow and show us lots of support! Thank you. (@bandlucy_my)

Twitter:   / blueheartisland  


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