Описание к видео 🦋 Help SAVE THE POLLINATORS with these 5 CRUCIAL STEPS 🐝🐞🐛

Are you looking to attract more butterflies, native bees, moths, fireflies, and other pollinators to your gardens? This video shares 5 key tips to keep in mind when designing a garden that not only looks beautiful, but is buzzing with life as well. Remember N3H3 when planning your garden - follow along to learn more!

All videos and pictures featured in this video were takePhysostegia virginianan in my small suburban gardens in Southern Ontario, Canada.

Thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video! If you liked it or learned something new, please be sure to like and subscribe for more gardening tips just like this! You can also follow along on Instagram   / thesuburbangardenista   - be sure to pop in and say hi! Happy gardening!

This video was prepared to satisfy the outreach and education requirements of the Pollinator Stewardship Certification program from Pollinator Partnership Canada (https://pollinatorpartnership.ca/). For more information on the program, see https://pollinatorpartnership.ca/en/p.... I would highly recommend!!

Information Sources:
Information shared was from a collection of resources including the Pollinator Partnership Pollinator Stewardship Certification training program, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Centre (‪@WildflowerCenterAustin‬ https://www.wildflower.org/), the fabulous book, A Garden for the Rusty-Patched Bumblebee by Lorraine Johnson and Sheila Colla, life experience and trial and error! I hope you find the video content helpful and that it encourages you to start planting more native plants in your gardens to support local pollinators and biodiversity in your community!

Johnson, L., Colla, S., & Sanderson, A. (2022). A garden for the rusty-patched bumblebee: Creating habitat for native pollinators. Douglas & McIntyre.

Helpful links and resources for your pollinator garden:
‪@PollinatorOrg‬ @pollinatorpartnershipca
Pollinator Partnership Canada Ecoregional Planting Guides: https://pollinatorpartnership.ca/en/e...
Pollinator Partnership Canada Pollinator Garden Signs:
Pollinator Partnership USA Ecoregion Planting Guides:

Video Highlights:
00:00 Intro
00:40 N3H3
00:49 Native Plants
02:52 3x3x3
04:14 Host Plants
04:59 Habitat
06:37 Have Fun
07:55 Conclusion

#pollinatorgarden #butterflygardening #beegarden #nativeplantgarden #pollinatorplants #butterflyplants #butterflygarden #butterflyhostplants
#nativeplants #buildingbiodiversity #rewilding #savethebees #savethepollinators #nativebees #pollinatorpartnership #pollinatorpartnershipcanada #pollinatorstewardshipcertification #pollinatorsteward #n3h3 #attractpollinators #attractingpollinatorstoyourgarden #attractbeestogarden #attractbees

This video is about: attracting pollinators to your garden, pollinator gardens, pollinator plants, native plants, plants for pollinators, supporting pollinators, building a butterfly garden, planting a pollinator garden, save the pollinators, n3h3, 3 is the magic number, pollinators need our help


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