Let’s Encrypt 101: Secure Certificates for Web Services

Описание к видео Let’s Encrypt 101: Secure Certificates for Web Services

This episode of SGF AWS provides an introduction to Let's Encrypt and discusses Secure Certificates.

Find out how secure certificates work and how to avoid common issues. We will discuss how certificates work in general, how Let’s Encrypt works, and how to choose between Let’s Encrypt vs other free and paid certificate products/services before we deep dive into deploying, managing, and troubleshooting secure certificates (aka SSL/TLS) for your web services. Jason has 15+ years experience deploying/managing 100’s of paid and free certificates.

Why Use Secure Certificates?
How are Secure Certificates Used to Encrypt Data?
How are Secure Certificates Validated by the Web Browser?
Issuing a Traditional “Domain Validated” Certificate
Issuing a Certificate in Amazon Certificate Manager
Issuing a Let’s Encrypt Certificate
How Does Let’s Encrypt Work?
Comparing Let’s Encrypt Certificates to Commercial Certificates
Comparing Secure Certificate Validation Levels
Generating and Inspecting Keys
Secure Certificate Best Practices
Testing Your Secure Certificate
Secure Certificate Common Issues
Secure Certificate Configuration Tips
Secure Certificate Configuration and Testing Resources

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