Wrapper leaves of Mount Cameroon

Описание к видео Wrapper leaves of Mount Cameroon

People and Plants has produced a video on wrapper leaves used for cooking traditional Bakweri and other foods around Mt Cameroon. Wrapper leaves are used around the world in traditional foodways. The video follows wrapper leaf harvesters in the forest, as they process the leaves, bring them to market, and use the leaves to prepare foods.

Traditional Foodways: Strengthening Traditional Food Systems and Conserving Biodiversity

Food is found at the intersection of culture and nature. It grows from the accumulated wisdom of generations, a blend of inherited knowledge and the innovations of individual farmers, hunters, gatherers and cooks. This is particularly true for the many traditional foods that are wild harvested, or semi-domesticated, as well as livestock and agricultural varieties that depend upon distinct soil, climate, and growing traditions. In many areas, entire landscapes are managed to produce food, with home gardens, farms, grazing lands, fallow, and forest contributing in distinctive and complementary ways across seasons.

The Traditional Foodways Program supports traditional food systems in their entirety – the sustainable harvesting, management, cultivation, processing, and preparation of a wide range and astonishing number of food species. Learn more at www.peopleandplants.org/what-we-do/traditional-foodways

People and Plants, through the Traditional Foodways Program, has produced a recipe video series that documents and celebrates delicious and healthy traditional cuisines interwoven with the forests and environments from which they grow. We invite you to watch the recipe series and learn more about dishes from Ecuador, Mexico, The Philippines, Indonesia and Cameroon, at www.peopleandplants.org/recipe-series

Traditional Foodways is a People and Plants International collaboration with local organizations and media teams from around the world. We are committed to ethical story telling and true partnership. www.peopleandplants.org/ethics-in-filmmaking



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