Reinventing Companies In The Age Of Intelligence, CEO Josh Bersin

Описание к видео Reinventing Companies In The Age Of Intelligence, CEO Josh Bersin

On The Reboot Chronicles Show we predominantly talk to organizations that have undergone or are currently going through a reboot to learn how leaders are adapting to an ever-changing world. Our audience learns best from leaders who take zoomed-out approaches to rebooting, and share the trends and disruptions they are seeing across sectors—with game plans they are formulating toward the future.

Josh Bersin, started several companies, one of which he sold to Deloitte. Since then, he founded The Josh Bersin Company and Academy, a human advisory firm, executive networking and co-learning community. On top of all of that, he is the author of the book Irresistible, and runs a conference under the same name. Listen in and learn about how to reboot organizations with AI, the struggles of getting the C-suite to adapt, and tips for the next generations of workers.

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