Which String Class in Qt Should I Use?

Описание к видео Which String Class in Qt Should I Use?

Qt comes with lots of classes relating to strings these days, including QString, QStringView, QStringLiteral etc.

Actually, it comes with so many that I lost track, so maybe it is time to call my good friend Peppe.

In this episode we will discuss what you need to know to get it right at least 95% of the cases, without knowing it all.

Detailed documentation on QStringBuilder: https://www.qt.io/blog/2011/06/13/str...
Before you use QStringBuilder make sure you can answer question 2 here: https://www.kdab.com/20years-challenge/

0:00 Introduction
1:25 Use QString
2:03 So why do we have all these classes?
2:57 Overview of the classes
3:27 QStringLiteral
5:00 QString::operator==() has improved a lot
8:13 QByteArray
9:50 QLatin1Stringm QLatin1StringView
12:29 Views - QStringRef (Qt5), QStringView
16:18 Lifetime of views

All QML tips and tricks videos :    • QML Tips and Tricks  

All Qt Widgets and more videos:
   • Qt Widgets and more  

About the host:
The video is presented by Jesper Pedersen, who started with Qt back when Qt was widgets only and the version was 1.44, which gives him 21 years of experience with Qt. Since 2000 he has taught almost 100 Qt classes, ranging from Qt Widgets to QML. Heck, Jesper even taught a few classes on QTopia Core — Trolltech's initial attempt at creating a phone stack. Today Jesper holds a fancy business title, but that doesn't prevent him from coding both in his job and in his spare time.

Every month our newsletter is featuring technical blogs on Qt, C++ and 3D topics: https://www.kdab.com/development-reso...

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more. https://www.kdab.com/software-services

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