Horse the Band - Earth Tour (Volume 4)

Описание к видео Horse the Band - Earth Tour (Volume 4)

To commemorate the ten year anniversary of this tour and because the torrent takes forever to download, I have decided to upload the Earth Tour onto YouTube.

All rights go to Horse the Band and Gary Lachance.

Please donate to the cause.

(From the Earth Tour website)
We decided to make our own movie available for download because someone would do it anyway and we wanted to offer it to all those who found out about it too late or didn't have enough money to buy it.

And we wanted a chance to explain our situation and seek support.

Earth Tour wasn't profitable.

And the movie and book you are about to download took just under 3 years of nonstop work by as many as 7 people from inception to completion, for no money.

If you like this movie and you appreciate its mere and unlikely existence, and you feel like the world might be a better place if Earth Tour and things like it were profitable ventures, donations will always be accepted at the Earth Tour website, for the rest of our lives.


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