Rob and Joe being frienemies for 9 minutes [Tally Hall]

Описание к видео Rob and Joe being frienemies for 9 minutes [Tally Hall]

the fact that people actually think Joe was being genuine with the "I don't like Rob" thing is wild af. Like are we fans of the same band? Did Rob and Joe not actively have to like eachother for this whole band to even be a thing??? Do they not give stupid answers to interviewers constantly????

dehumanisation of the members will not be tolerated. This post is NOT a ship post and should not be used or interpreted as a post that encourages or demonstrates shipping of any Tally Hall members. we are not entitled to anything from them.

this is my favourite duo. They just hate eachother but also love eachother so much (PLATONIC OBVIOUSLY).

this took far too long due to the adding of subtitles. this was done because I made this to prove Rob and Joe are the best Tally Hall duo (okay that probably is Zubin and Rob but I can still have a favourite). ketchup and mustard innit. anyway one of those friends isn't a Tally Hall fan and is blind and deaf. As a hearing person that's a Tally Hall fan I find it difficult to hear what they're saying a lot of the time (as you can tell by the amount of [?] and [???]) so I can't imagine how hard it'd be to engage if you were deaf let alone blind and deaf. she also can't tell them apart easily, especially without their colour coding/while they're in costumes so colouring the subtitles should hopefully help. heck, it helps keep track of who's speaking at any given time which is useful.

there's definitely more clips I could've used but the video was getting long so enjoy what you got

sorry for the sonic lunch club jumpscare


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