My Top 5 Seattle Neighborhoods of 2025 | PROS & CONS

Описание к видео My Top 5 Seattle Neighborhoods of 2025 | PROS & CONS

Looking to make a move to Seattle proper next year? Here's my list of my top 5 Seattle neighborhoods to look out for in 2025, along with the main pros and cons of living in each city.

As the #1 mid-sized team in Seattle, we're here to help you find your perfect home in the Emerald City!

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#seattlerealestate #bestseattleneighborhoods #seattleneighborhoods #movingtoseattle

0:00 Intro
0:17 Capitol Hill
1:20 Ballard
2:36 Queen Anne
4:05 Columbia City
5:15 West Seattle
6:31 Outro


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