Butterbur PSA

Описание к видео Butterbur PSA

FOR MORE INFO ON BUTTERBUR : https://nccih.nih.gov/health/butterbur

Butterbur (50-75 mg twice daily for up to 4 months) is commonly used for the prophylaxis of migraines.

Several studies have shown that butterbur may be useful in the prevention of migraines. Also indicated by the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society.

The most common adverse effects include nausea, flatulence and belching.

Be sure to notify your healthcare provider of all other medications and/or supplements you are taking, as butterbur can alter the metabolism of certain drugs.

Stop taking if you become pregnant or suffer any allergic reactions. Don’t take butterbur if you have an allergy to ragweed.

Be sure to only take butterbur supplements labeled “PA free” in order to ensure the absence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, a compound that can damage the liver.

Reference List
Lexicomp Online® , Natural Products Database , Hudson, Ohio: Lexi-Comp, Inc.; September 21, 2015
Natural Medicines Database. An Evidence-based Systematic Review of Butterbur by the Therapeutic Research Faculty. Copyright 2015 www.naturalmedicines.therapeuticresearch.com.
Last Accessed March 16, 2015
Holland S, Silberstein SD, Freitag F, et al. Evidence-based guideline update: NSAIDs and other complementary treatments for episodic migraine prevention in adults: report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society. Neurology. 2012;78:1346-53.
Diener HC, Rahlfs VW, Danesch U. The first placebo-controlled trial of a special butterbur root extract for the prevention of migraine: reanalysis of efficacy criteria. Eur Neurol. 2004;51:89-97.
-Butterbur. Drug Facts and Comparisons. Facts & Comparisons [database online]. St. Louis, MO: Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc; March 2005. Accessed September 14, 2015.


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