Sleazemeister Trap

Описание к видео Sleazemeister Trap

The Sleazemeister Trap derives from the Alekhine Defense where white plays 2. Nc3 instead of the most common 2. e5. After black counter attacks in the center of the board, white finds themselves in a spot where it looks like they can deploy their own trap by bringing their queen out and forking the black knight. This doesn't work and things can crumble quickly.

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For all the moves mentioned in this video the PGN is below:
1. e4 Nf6 2. Nc3 (2. e5) 2... d5 (2... e5 3. Nf3 Nc6) 3. e5 Ne4 4. Nce2 (4.
Nxe4 dxe4) 4... d4 5. c3 dxc3 6. Qa4+ Nd7 (6... Nc6 7. Qxe4)(6... Bd7 7. Qxe4)
7. Qxe4 (7. Nxc3 Nec5 8. Qd1 c6 (8... Nxe5 9. d4)) 7... Nc5 8. Qe3 (8. Qd4 Nd3+
9. Kd1 (9. Qxd3 Qxd3)9... Qxd4 10. Nxd4 Nxf2+ 11. Ke1 Nxh1) 8... Nd3+ 9. Kd1
cxb2 10. Rb1 (10. Bxb2 Nxb2+ 11. Ke1 Nd3+ 12. Kd1 Bg4) 10... bxc1=Q+ 11. Nxc1
Nxc1 12. Rxc1 *


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