一日の終わりに-癒しの三味線の福音/睡眠導入、リラックスタイム/At the end of the day - The Gospel of the Healing Shamisen

Описание к видео 一日の終わりに-癒しの三味線の福音/睡眠導入、リラックスタイム/At the end of the day - The Gospel of the Healing Shamisen

一日の終わりに-癒しの三味線の福音【#shamisen #music #lofi #bgmリラックス #リラックス用 】

🎶 三味線と着物の世界へようこそ 🎶

🎶 Welcome to the world of the shamisen and kimono 🎶.
This channel brings you the beautiful sounds of the shamisen and the graceful appearance of women in traditional kimonos. You can relax and enjoy the fantastic world of shamisen music and culture. Please enjoy the soothing music of the shamisen. Feel the beauty of good old Japan with peace of mind.
Experience the charm of Japanese culture with music that touches your heart! 🔔🎵

00:00 Music1
02:56 music2
05:30 music3
08:38 music4
10:38 music5
12:54 music6
14:58 music7
16:47 music8
17:57 music9
19:42 music10
20:59 music11(reapeat)



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